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Reiki: FAQ

Reiki works by intuitively activating your body’s innate ability to heal itself. Reiki (pronounced ray key and translated “rei” universal and “ki” life energy) is a laying on of hands healing technique. Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing therapy which is a gentle hands on treatment.

Reiki heals and clears stagnant energy blocks and patterns so energy can flow freely in your body. This energy is deeply nourishing helping to soothe chronic conditions, release trauma and assist in physical recovery. Reiki may relieve blockages and tension, providing vitality to aid the healing (becoming whole) process mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. 


  • Promotes natural self-healing

  • Reduces the physical, emotional, mental and energetic impacts of stress

  • Relieves physical pain, stiffness and tension

  • Helps alleviate depression and anxiety

  • Restores emotional balance, self-esteem and mental clarity

  • Aids meditation and positive thinking

  • Supports spiritual growth

  • Alignment to heart and souls purpose

We live in a world of energy that nourishes and maintains all living things. When this energy flows uninterrupted there is balance and harmony within and around us, and we experience a sense of well being. If you are looking for a natural way to help with any stress, anxiety, physical or emotional pain – this is a gentle way to give yourself some space for healing


Learning Reiki is a good starting point for experiencing and working with healing energy and a wonderful method for deepening awareness of universal energy. It is a healing modality that is passed on from Teacher to Student. Reiki is a pure form of healing not dependent on individual talent or acquired ability. 

Reiki is not taught in the way other healing techniques are taught. It is transferred to the student by the Reiki Master during an attunement process. This process opens the crown, heart, and palm chakras and creates a special link between the student and the Reiki source. The attunement is channelled into the student from me, your Reiki Teacher. During each level you will receive a different attunement.


I teach one to one and or in a group setting. If you prefer to be atuned in a one to one setting - email me


With Reiki you begin with Level 1. Level 1 is open to all, and is your first step on healing the self, your family & friends. It is a prerequisite if you wish to continue your Reiki Healing Healing as a practitioner.

If you have been atuned by another teacher and wish to have a refresh or go onto another level - I welcome you with open arms.

If you have any questions - why don't you drop me an email at

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LEVEL 1 - Healing the Self

Healing the self - learning compassion for who we are as you begin to heal all parts of your heart and reconnect to your soul. This is a great first course for you if you have the desire to create a more intuitive way & heart centred life and a curiosity for the seen, unseen, the mystical.

This course can be done as a one to one or you can join in on one of the group teaching days.

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LEVEL 2 - Practitioner Training

If you have completed Level 1 and wish to elevate your practice, this course will attune you to Level 2 - whether for personal or professional use. In Level 2 you will receive symbols for you to incorporate within your healing practice. You will also begin to connect to the power of healing others distantly. 

Please allow 3 months from your Level 1 atunement to your Level 2 atunement. If you have completed your Level 1 with another teacher - I would love to welcome you into my Reiki community. The Level 2 dates for 2024 are now published. 

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LEVEL 3 - Advanced Training

Level 1 & 2 need to be completed prior to you taking this course. You do not need to have completed Levels 1 & 2 with me - I am open to welcoming you into our Reiki community if you have been attuned by another teacher.

Learnig Reiki
Eagle Flying

Reiki awakens our true self, grounds and guides us to live from our heart. Come home to feelings of unconditional love, peace, security and harmony; and embody the light within.

Would you like to be able to naturally balance your energy? Or the energy of your family?

Anyone can learn Reiki. Reiki is a beautiful technique that will change your life.

The First Degree is your entry point and is when you will learn how to be a conduit of this high vibrational energy. After you have attended your Level 1 you will be able to use this healing energy immediately. Not only does Reiki leave you feeling calm with a wonderful peace of mind - it also works on a physical, mental, emotional & spiritual level. It brings it all into balance.

Your level 1 will put you back onto the path of your own personal self-healing journey.

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LEVEL 1 - Healing the Self

Healing the self - learning compassion for who we are as you begin to heal all parts of your heart and reconnect to your soul. This is a great first course for you if you have the desire to create a more intuitive way & heart centred life and a curiosity for the seen, unseen, the mystical.

This course can be done as a one to one or you can join in on one of the group teaching days. I am starting to offer community spaces (Pay what you can) - if this is something of interest to you; please reach out and let me know.

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